Access control and positioning system during construction of the new Stockholm metro.

The extension of the Stockholm city metro plays a major role in the ambitious infrastructure investment plan jointly approved by the city of Stockholm, the surrounding municipalities and the Swedish state.
The Stockholm region is leading the extension of up to 30 km of new tracks, as well as 18 new stations, with the aim of shortening distances within the city as the country's capital expands by more and more. SICE Nordics AB, has been awarded by the Stockholm region for the design, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of safety systems that will guarantee safety during the construction work of new tunnels. In particular, for systems in geographic areas associated with the extension of the yellow line (northward shift from Odenplan to Arenastaden, including 3 new stations) and the blue line (westward from Akalla to Barbarby).
SICE Nordics AB relied on positioning systems and software from BIOACCEZ CONTROLS to integrate access control, positioning systems and alarms.
VAUBAN SYSTEMS of France will supply the access control technology which includes the programmable controllers.
The philosophy behind this particular contract is to ensure the safety of the personnel working on site, by monitoring in real time who enters or leaves the work areas, as well as by constantly controlling the location of workers in the facilities.
The philosophy behind this particular contract is to ensure the safety of the personnel working on site, by monitoring in real time who enters or leaves the work areas, as well as by constantly controlling the location of workers in the facilities.